Talent Education

When we were in school we were told to follow the rules. We were all taught the same thing the same way. There was no thought given to what we all know to be true today, people have learning preferences. In fact people can look at the same problem and find different solutions. Our educational system did not reward creativity, but rewarded the ability to return one specific result to a problem as the correct answer. Our talents are connected to our creativity. Most teachers that I had in school did not encourage creative thinking.

It started as early as preschool. I was thrown out of preschool for talking too much. I was told that I would be the valedictorian of my class. I had learned my graduation speech and we were going to put on a play for our parents. My preschool teacher, Ms. Dusseldorf, suspended me because I repeat the other children’s line in the play when they did not remember them. She called my mother who took me home and spanked me (this was before there were child protective services). Needless to say I was a good little boy, never speaking out of turn from that point forward.

Kevin Thompson Pre School Graduation

On graduation day I approached the stage to say the valedictorian speech. I was told by my teacher that she choose someone else to deliver the speech since I had been suspended from class. I was hurt, dejected and returned to my seat. I watched the little boy go up to the stage to say the speech. He stood there looked out at the crowd and broke out in tears. Ms. Dusseldorf rushed him off the stage and asked me to come up deliver the speech. Speaking in public is one of my talents. But I did not rediscover it as a talent until 6 years ago. Now I am a professional speaker.

Pre-School Graduation Certificate

I share this story with you because your talent may be waiting to be discovered just like mine. Just think what progress could be made in our educational institutions if we considered valuing and developing people’s talents. Have you had a similar experience? Please feel free to share your comments below.


  1. To bad children were not channeled into acting or presentation skill classes when thrown out of class for talking!

  2. I agree, creative thinking should be used more in the school system. Developing movers and shakers is the way of the future. Positive thinkers and problem solvers. Now they can google everything as needed! 🙂

  3. Hi Danna,
    Thanks so much for you comment. The real advantage is when we develop our talents and use them at work. It will make everyone’s job easier and more rewarding.
    Thanks again,

  4. Rosie,
    If children were more challenged in school to use acting talents were might have more child actors and not more children acting out.
    Thanks for your comment,

  5. I am a preschool teacher myself and I believe that performing in plays and in front of a large audience will definitely improve the children’s self esteem. Whenever my pupils talk, I let them be because I know I will learn a thing or two from them.

    Let me share an event in our school recently. There is this last section class where the pupils are not academically inclined. And there was this school program recently where the said class was asked to perform, the kids were all ecstatic! Lo and behold, their presentation was very well applauded. Children’s intelligence should be tapped and it is our (teachers) duty to know our child’s skills.

    Sorry for the long comment. 🙂 hahaha
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